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Skilled Physical Therapists Near You

Skilled Physical Therapists Near You

Lake Charles Memorial Physical Rehabilitation will custom-design your physical and occupational therapy team to meet your individual needs. This is your rehabilitation team, and the following describes the role each member plays in your recovery.

The rehabilitation physician is a physiatrist. A physiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Physiatrists are trained in impairment assessment, medical complications of impairment, and rehabilitation team management. The Physiatrist monitors your health, evaluates your physical capabilities, and leads the team of nurses and therapists in making and carrying out your individualized treatment program.

The rehabilitation nurses are with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The nursing staff helps you with the various activities of daily living. They administer medications and treatments, teach you and your family about your capabilities, and help you use the skills you have learned in therapy.

The physical therapist assesses your movement ability and evaluates your condition and potential. Based upon these results, the physical therapist will design a treatment program to restore and maximize your movement and function. Special exercises will help you restore movement by improving the quality of your muscle tone, coordination, balance strength, endurance, and joint flexibility. These efforts are directed at improving your mobility, which may range from wheelchair skills to walking.

The occupational therapist assists you in regaining the skills and changes required for you to be independent, productive, and satisfied at home, in the workplace, or in the community. The exercises and activities you learn will focus on reducing or overcoming your impairments. These may be as basic as dressing, bathing, and eating, or as complex as operating a computer or caring for your family.

The speech-language pathologist works to improve your independence with communication skills and effectiveness in getting a message across or listening to others. This may involve working to improve your voice, speech, language, thinking skills, reading or conversational skills. It may require teaching you how to use gestures or computers to obtain your basic skills. Another role of the speech-language pathologist is to help you if you have difficulty with swallowing or swallowing safety.

The social worker works with you, your family, and community agencies to help solve problems that come with changes in your abilities and your need for medical care. This may include providing information, making referrals, or arranging for continuing care. The social worker also counsels individuals, couples, families, and groups. Your assigned social worker or family counselor helps guide you through the hospital experience from admission to discharge. Your assigned social worker or family counselor will serve as your advocate during your stay.

The licensed professional counselor helps you with developing coping strategies and improving your overall adjustment. Depending on the extent of your impairment, the counselor will help determine the appropriate treatment for mood and/or behavioral needs. An individualized treatment plan is developed with each patient treated by counseling. This plan may include the utilization of stress management techniques, pain management/education, behavior management, and/or cognitive behavioral techniques. The counselor will provide education and treatment to family members about patient recovery and group supportive therapy sessions as appropriate to patients.

The rehabilitation case manager reviews the inpatient rehabilitation initial screening prior to your admission to the rehabilitation center. This will ensure that your transition into the program is done in an organized manner. The rehab case manager serves as a hub to provide effective communication with insurance providers, patients, and family members.

The chaplain provides pastoral care and counseling to help you and your family deal with the spiritual impact of your condition. Contact your nurse to request a visit from the chaplain.

The respiratory therapist uses advanced diagnostic and therapeutic equipment to thoroughly assess and treat your ability to breathe. The respiratory therapist tailors a specific rehabilitation program to fit your needs.

The registered dietitian assures that your nutritional needs are met by creating an individualized diet based upon your food preferences, your physical abilities, and any dietetic restrictions prescribed by your physician.

The prosthetist/orthodist fabricates, fits, and repairs adaptive devices such as artificial limbs (prostheses) and orthopedic braces (orthoses).

The audiologist identifies hearing problems and appropriate correction. The audiologist deals with difficulties in both the volume and clarity of sound and may recommend assistive devices or hearing aids.

The vocational specialist may assist you with obtaining services to improve your employability after your rehabilitation center stay.

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