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- Author: Liz Miller
- Date Submitted: Aug 1, 2023
- Category: Heart & Vascular

“When my grandchildren used to spend a week with me in the summer, I couldn’t keep up with them. But now they can’t keep up with me.”
About a week before Hurricane Laura hit, Liz Miller, an elementary school teacher of 39 years, had a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital. While it wasn’t an ideal time for a procedure like this, the effects of the TAVR gave her the energy needed for what was ahead.
Where it all began
Years before the procedure, Liz’s health journey started with a heart murmur. Once found, she was seen by Dr. King White who monitored her symptoms, with the assumption of having to have open heart surgery at some point down the road. As time progressed she began to notice feeling more fatigued and had to even back off of her regular exercising routine. Feeling the effects more and more, she knew it was time to explore her options.
Another Option
According to the American College of Cardiology, the average age of someone who receives the TAVR is about 84 years-old, but at the time Liz was 60 years old. After discussing her options with the TAVR team, she was told that she could opt for the TAVR procedure as an alternative to open-heart surgery. Knowing the risks and recovery time of open heart surgery, Liz felt like this option was a blessing.
“I felt very well prepared throughout the process."
Renewed Energy
Liz has grown stronger and stronger since her TAVR and is now able to enjoy all of the activities that she used to. Spending time with her family--namely her grandkids, exercising, walking, and moving around the classroom to continue to be the energetic teacher she’s always been for her students.
“When my grandchildren used to spend a week with me in the summer, I couldn’t keep up with them. But now they can’t keep up with me."