Living Life Without Knee Pain
- Author: Todd Fontenot
- Date Submitted: Nov 19, 2024
- Category: Orthopedics

“I couldn't take it anymore. I had to do something soon. I didn't want to wait until I couldn't walk anymore.”
For Todd Fontenot, of Moss Bluff, who has spent a long career in the industrial industry, dealing with severe knee pain put a strain on his lifestyle. That’s where he found himself in 2020—with severe swelling in his right knee, which eventually led him to the office of Alan Hinton, MD.
“I couldn’t take it anymore,” Fontenot recalls. “I had to do something soon. I didn’t want to wait until I couldn’t walk anymore.”
Dr. Hinton discussed Fontenot’s options with him, and before surgery was on the table, Fontenot opted to receive steroid injections in his knee. However, both he and Dr. Hinton knew that, due to arthritis in his knee, surgery might be the only long-term relief for Fontenot.
After several years of injections, surgery was scheduled in the spring of this year. At that time, the orthopedic specialists at Lake Charles Memorial Health System were gearing up to use a new tool for knee replacements. This new technology allowed surgeons to be more precise than with the traditional knee replacement techniques. Fontenot’s surgery was the inaugural procedure with the VELYS™ Robotic-Assisted Technology.
“I was able to get up and walk, with some assistance, after surgery and go home the same day,” Fontenot explains.
By the second week of recovery, he was back to his normal routine of walking in his neighborhood, and a few short weeks later, he could walk up steps.
While every patient is different, Fontenot shares his experience to encourage those who are experiencing knee pain to do something about it, as soon as the pain begins to impact everyday life.
Because of his proactive approach, he was able to regain a range of motion and restore his quality of life. He looks forward to continuing his recovery and moving through life ---without knee pain.